It is advisable that you check with your insurer prior to attending the course that cover will be available for you to commence practice. Most larger insurance companies provide cover on production of certification. I am fully insured as a training school to train practitioners in Dry Needling. Occasionally you will need to provide a consent form to your insurer and this is included in the course pack
This Dry Needling Course has been honed over 15 years to cover all areas of the body and during the weekend there is time available to cover all major joints, ie shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle, knee, hip. Also spinal points, neck, thoracics and lumber spine. The course content allows you to treat a whole range of issues additional to trigger points – Electrotherapy & Tendinopathy is incorporated. I utilise up to date neurophysiological ideas and modern focus on and understanding of pain.
As course has been running since 2005 I provide a comprehensive and hugely detailed package of notes for ongoing reference and learning. All equipment – needles, machines, plinths etc are supplied and provided on the course. A supplier attends on the second day and you have the opportunity to pick up all the necessary materials, needles etc. These are sold at very competitive package price. You are certainly not obliged to pick these up on the day and you may want to shop around.